Monday, February 28, 2011

TOP 5: Danzig Albums

This is the first of many future Top 5 lists that I'm going to piece together on this blog as they sporadically spill out of my brain. Why? Because.

This Top 5 was inspired by the announcement of
Danzig's upcoming 2011 Spring Tour. Being that Danzig is one of my all-time favorite bands, here is one random internet asshole's Top 5 Danzig Albums:

5. I Luciferi (2002)

Admittedly, I wrestled with choosing between I Luciferi and 4p, but ultimately I chose the album which I spend less time skipping past songs. If you asked me back in 2003, I would not have rated I Luciferi this high, but this album has continuously grown on me over the years.

This album kicks your ass for eight straight songs before getting into the so-so territory of the CD. If anything, it was just nice for Danzig to finally get back to such a guitar-driven sound again.

Highlights: "Black Mass", "Liberskull", "Dead Inside"

4. Deth Red Sabaoth (2010)

The best thing about Deth Red Sabaoth is that it is consistantly good from beginning to end. After the first couple discs, Danzig albums each contain their own varying amounts of Danzig filler, but Deth Red Sabaoth is arguably filler-free (well, except for maybe the gothy musical piece, "Infanticle").

While this album may not have a true standout song like the many Danzig albums before it, Deth Red is a collection of pretty darn good songs. Loyal Danzig fans have been rewarded with a great modern day effort from our beloved evil Elvis.

Highlights: "Hammer of the Gods", "Rebel Spirits", "Deth Red Moon"

3. Satan's Child (1999)

I'm probably in the minority of Danzig fans who would rate Satan's Child this high in the Danzig catalog, but like Deth Red Sabaoth, I feel that Satan's Child is a solid effort thoughout.

This was the first album where Glenn Danzig's voice started to show some real wear-and-tear from years of screaming at the gods above. Still, Satan's Child rocks pretty mightily and is easily the best non-Rick Rubin production a Danzig album was ever treated to.

Highlights: "Belly of the Beast", "Unspeakable", "Firemass"

2. Danzig (1988)

Danzig's debut album is usually noted as his best album by most... and understandably so! It's hard to argue when it contains three of his most iconic tunes -- one being the mega-hit, "Mother".

Beyond the hits, this album is fleshed out with some of the better songs of Glenn Danzig's career. This is certainly one album that every metal fan should own.

Highlights: "Twist of Cain", "Not of This World", "Am I Demon"

1. Lucifuge (1990)

Lucifuge was the first Danzig album I bought way back in 1990 and I remember it made such an impression on me when I opened up the cassette and it folded out into an upside down cross. Go Satan!

Right out the gate, Lucifuge immediately gets you into a fist-pumping frenzy and then you're off and running into Danzig's finest masterpiece.

Highlights: "Long Way Back From Hell", "Snakes of Christ", "Devil's Plaything"


Agree? Disagree? Leave a comment and let me know!

I'll closeout this post with a video of my all-time favorite Danzig song:

"Devil's Plaything"

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